Elements of Style – Gift Guides 2023: For Kids & Teens

Elements of Style – Gift Guides 2023: For Kids & Teens


OK here we go…. gift guide season! This year I feel pretty confident in my kid picks as I have two little people who constantly tell me what they want 🙂 Teens still intimidate me to no end so I polled some younger folk to see what was what… but gift cards are ALWAYS a good idea if picking a gift is too confusing! A couple things not linked in the collage this playhouse, which I have and highly recommend- so sturdy AND green, and my playmats which are on backorder, but always a perfect gift for a baby/ new mom.

Henry is 8 going on 15 and calls me “bro” and wants Jordans and anything Minecraft related/ video game related. Also a Lamborghini (thanks YouTube).

Emma is into Barbie and so…. yeah, I’ll be leaning into that hard. Even though all I want for her (I.e. me) is the Maileg dollhouse and all the furniture. It’s SOOOOO GOOOOOOD.

Some things on here are reflective of the things my kids play with the most: play kitchen, the small magnet blocks (also there is a Minecraft version), scooters/ bikes, Emma loves that wicker doll stroller, they both LOVED the shopping cart for years, the Dyson vacuum and the train set.

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