Fashion Friday: Currently Liking

Fashion Friday: Currently Liking


A quick little peek into my brain/ several online shopping carts I’ve abandoned as of late. I keep thinking I want to add more color to my wardrobe– but I keep coming back to my classic palette of neutrals when pulling the trigger on things.

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Of note:

I have wanted this bag for MONTHS and it’s now slightly on sale and I’m tempted as it looks like the perfect bag for fall for a lady with a lot of crap to lug….

Veronica BEard’s shoes for fall are perfection- these sneakers with the leopard detail…. YES PLEASE.

I’m not a clog gal- but I could get on board with these woven mules that look pricier than they are- you’ll never guess where from….

The post Fashion Friday: Currently Liking first appeared on Elements of Style.


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