Make a Fall-Inspired Hurricane Vase!

Make a Fall-Inspired Hurricane Vase!


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Make a Fall-Inspired Hurricane Vase!

It’s time to think about fall nesting and decorating, so let’s make a fall-inspired hurricane vase! The other day I got inspired when I found one of my hurricane vases.

Glass hurricane vases come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. I’ve had this one for years but now that we’re getting settled in after our renovation, I am excited to decorate for fall!

This was so simple to put together but immediately inspired me for the coziness of autumn.

Make a Fall-Inspired Hurricane Vase!

Here is how to make a fall-inspired hurricane vase:

What I used:

  • Dried oranges (I got mine dried and ready to go, but you can also dry them yourself!)

You can also get creative and make it your own variation! Try a colorful candle, different fillers (rocks, wheat, shells, fall foliage, etc)

Another similar concept: make a seasonal display lantern (see how I’ve decorated mine in every season here)!

Speaking of decorating for the seasons, I also used my dried oranges last Christmas! See how in this post: How to Make Christmas Garland Look Extra Full and Festive | And 25 Simple Ideas to Try

Make a Fall-Inspired Hurricane Vase!
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Make a Fall-Inspired Hurricane Vase!

13 Simple Ways to Make Your Home Feel Like Fall

Simple Fall Gatherings and Decorating Ideas

Cozy Throw Blankets for Fall and Winter

Cozy Fall Shop

See all fall inspiration posts on The Inspired Room here


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